General Terms and Conditions

1 Contractual object and applicability

1.1. MMOIC.COM. (hereinafter referred to as MMOIC) is an online seller of digital games deal in connection with online games.

1.2. MMOIC distribute and deliver digital games products in exchange for remuneration. The products are predominantly digital keys and game card codes (access codes or keys to certain online games)

1.3. A customer account is required in order to use MMOIC. To register, the Buyer must provide his/her first name(s) and surname, a current email address, and create a username and password. Registration is free.

1.4. When creating an account, the Buyer will be asked to read and accept the terms and conditions of use and MMOIC's data privacy policy. This is a mandatory requirement when registering with MMOIC.

2 Payment

Payment methods include PayPal, VISA/MasterCard, bank transfers etc. MMOIC reserve the right to refuse to accept certain payment methods or accept/demand other payment methods than those listed above.

3 Termination

3.1. The Buyer and MMOIC are both entitled to terminate their relationship at any time. This can be done by deleting the Buyer's account. To do so, the Buyer must send MMOIC a message (by email or using the 'Contact' section on the Platform of MMOIC) requesting the deletion of his/her account. MMOIC shall fulfill this request five days after receiving the message at the latest.

3.2. MMOIC can also terminate the relationship. In this case, MMOIC can either temporarily or permanently block or delete the account of the Buyer. After weighing its interests, MMOIC shall continue with any ongoing intermediation until it is complete.

4 Data protection

4.1. MMOIC shall collect the data of the Buyer in connection with the mediation and execution of contracts. In doing so, MMOIC shall adhere to the regulations of the Data Protection Act (BDSG) and Broadcast Media Act (TMG). MMOIC shall only collect, process, and use personal data without the consent of the Buyer in so far as necessary.

4.2. By registering on the Platform of MMOIC, the user agrees to the terms and conditions of use and the data privacy policy of MMOIC.

5 Severability clause
If any provision of these GTCs should be or become ineffective, this shall not affect the validity of the rest of these GTCs. The ineffective provision is to be replaced by a provision which best approximates the intent of the parties within the boundaries of the law. The same applies in the event of a loophole.